Group of people

The whole office found the course and information on names & etiquette very useful and are utilising the skills!" Sam Major(Negotiator, Savills) 

Memory and etiquette

We like solving individual challenges.  Here is an example of a bespoke course to crack a particular nut - a unique programme to improve memory skills with an introduction to cross-cultural working.

As business becomes increasingly global we have two options; either learn techniques for remembering names and tackling unfamiliar pronunciations, or emulate Sir Richard Attenborough and call everyone 'love'.  This course encourages the former through practical exercises to sharpen memory and social skills in a business context.


  • To provide association and concentration techniques that work for individual participants
  • To instil confidence in each delegate by demonstrating their progress with memorising
  • Encourage business effectiveness through cross cultural awareness


  • A brief introduction to memory and recall.
  • The relationship between determination and our ‘ability’ to remember.
  • Techniques to remember information using repetition, association, intention, emotion and graphic solutions.
  • Using all the senses; how to use pictures, sounds, places, journeys, smells and stories to associate with and then access information or names. 
  • Avoiding distractions with exercises in 100% listening and 100% watching.
  • Cross cultural awareness.  Name construction, accents and etiquette.   (This element can be adapted to client’s specific needs, typically with respect to sales teams and their specific markets.)
  • Making it easier for other people to remember your own name.


  • Interactive workshop style with activities,  games and theatre
  • Challenging, fun and entertaining
  • Accelerated learning techniques using a variety of stimuli

Case Study

A multi-national property and land company wished to assist their sales managers in coping with the high volume of names, many of them from overseas, that they needed to be able to use fluently and accurately.

We designed a bespoke training course that not only dealt with memory techniques but also introduced elements of cross-cultural working and etiquette.  We also wrote a reference manual for participants to take away from the training.


"Our sales managers came away from the course with practical name recall skills that they could implement that day. The cross-cultural working and etiquette aspects have delivered value beyond our expectations.”